Monday, October 31, 2011


Got out my Cygnar figs this weekend and over the course of about 10 hours painted them up. Can't say I'm fond of the Stormblade figs at all, they have some issues with negative spaces.

Overall they came out quite well at a high tabletop standard. Once finished and sealed I put them up on Ebay. So anyone looking for a 32 pt force to build from, check it out. I priced it pretty reasonably.

Until Later!

Friday, October 28, 2011

WIP updates

After the work on the first Dreadfleet box I decided to finish up Astorath. Then almost immediately came down with a nasty stomach/throat bug. But I still worked a bit on it during the times I wasn't feeling like absolute garbage (just total garbage). I also realized that the Blood Angels I have to finish up are only needing a bit of work before I sell them, and not nearly as much touch-up as I expected. So they should be finished in a day or so.

I'll be putting up some pics of my current progress on Astorath later tonight.

Until Later!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Dreadfleet painting complete, other update(s)

Finished painting and sealing the Dreadfleet figs/terrain, and put it up on Ebay (for those that might be interested). Going to take a break on painting ships before I get back to working on my personal Dreadfleet box again. So I've gotten down to brass tacks and am finishing up work on Astorath and touch-up work on a Sanguinary Guard unit. Once I get finished 3k+ points of Blood Angels will be going up on Ebay as well.

In other news, I have a fairly open schedule right now (outside of university classes) which means I'm up for commission work. Single figs, units, vehicles, terrain, an army, anything would be nice. I'll be finishing up my pricing guidelines this week, as well as putting up some pics of sold work.

I'm still working on the groundwork for my charity project. Anyone interested in working on a charity project to help benefit St. Jude's Children's Charities feel free to drop me an e-mail or comment to this post. I'm looking for a few people to help organize things, and others to help with various aspects. More details in coming weeks.

Until Later!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Dreadfleet Update Pics

I've been working this week on a few projects, Dreadfleet being the priority project. To this point I've nearly finished the ships, and have begun work on the terrain, cogs, and other bits.

Here are pics of the ships, which I have just to go back and get the detail work and a few fixes done on.

These pics are pretty good, but I have to get into my camera's menu and adjust settings with the use of my new light box.

Overall, these ships have been a lot of fun to paint. And the detail still surprises me as I work on them.

Until later!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

A link to a great deal on a light box for photo taking

If you're like me, you've attempted to make light boxes to get better pics. And if you're like me then your attempts have likely had mixed results. I finally got tired of redesigning the silly thing, and looked for a reasonably priced option for a light box. And in the end the results were great! My new light box is on the way, and I'll be putting up a lot of update pics next weekend/week.

This is the light box set I purchased. Take note of the price tag... $29 with free shipping. Yes, $29. Yes, Free shipping. It comes with a 16" x 16" light box, 4 non-reflective backgrounds, 2 lights, a camera tripod, and case for all of it.

I've done another good thing for the hobby community, and I am glad.

Until later!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Who doesn't like a giveaway?

I can say that I enjoy giveaways as much as any person. Free swag and nifty stuff is always a good thing. So HotPANDA at The Chaos Manifesto is having a giveaway due to reaching his 100th post. Shall I give up the tale of what is up for grabs? Nah. But I will give you a link to it so you can find out for yourself what the good Panda is going to give out!

So, go, read, enjoy, join in on a chance to win something nifty!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Dreadfleet WIP

I've been working off and on for the last 4 days on a number of the ships and terrain pieces from a Dreadfleet box set. Overall assembly went well... except on one ship... The Bloody Reaver. That ship gave me fits. It was constantly springing apart while the glue dried, and in the end has a sizeable gap in the central section of the ship. This made it nearly impossible to mount correctly on the base. Base it I did though... if oddly.

I have learned a lesson about the instructions and guides for building/painting these things. That lesson is... The Bloody Reaver needs to have masts attached to the central section (and before doing that, paint the fore triangular sails), the central section assembled and glued. THEN paint the masts and central section. Paint the outer sections and other sails, then attach to the masts and central section.

Otherwise, the ships and terrain were very pleasant to put together, with no real issues.

Here are a few pics of some of the ships in their current state on my painting station.

And in defense of my horrible pics... I'm working on rebuilding my light box. I built one earlier this year, but it wasn't quite right.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Dreadfleet Review

After opening up the box I found myself impressed with the materials included. Dreadfleet is an all inclusive game, with everything you need to play included. The cloth playing surface is very cool, and the game mechanics are definitely well thought out. The ships are very detailed, and the terrain and other bits for the game are equally detailed.

One thing that was annoying though was that there were no instructions for the construction of the terrain and ships. Literally nothing in the game book, nor in the box. The instructions were in the October White Dwarf, included in the painting guide given in the magazine. Since  you're already spending $115 for the box, gouging for another $9 to get something that should be in the box is definitely like getting kicked in the shins.

The ships go together nicely (I had one exception which I'll discuss in my WIP post later tonight), and each ship is very distinctive in its mood and looks.

Overall I give this game an 8 out of 10. Loosing points for the cost ($115 for a game is definitely a bit steep), and also for having to purchase their magazine to get something that should have been in the box.

Edit: WIP post delayed until later today (Tuesday), camera isn't holding a battery charge, so I have to get a new battery. Pics and post by late afternoon my time, baring any troubles getting a new battery for the camera.

Site Update

It's finally hit. The blog has been updated to a newer, friendlier, less eye hurting mess of a blog.

Let the clapping begin.... and end. Thank you.

And with this update we also have an update on current projects. With my receipt of a pair of Dreadfleet boxes, I've begun the process of painting up all these lovely ships. I'll be posting tomorrow with a review, as well as some picks of WIP.

Until the 'morrow!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Upcoming Redesign, and Big Project for the Spring of 2012

Well, it's been far to long since I posted. 'Ardboyz came and went, and I didn't place locally in the top 3. But I had fun, even if I found Grey Knights to be seriously over the top to play against. All my projects have been on hold as school ramped up for me, and now I'm nearly finished with my first Bachelors program class in marketing.

A project I've had on the mind for well over a year is finally starting to come together. Marketing class finally got me info I needed to make this idea become a reality, at least I hope. I'm hoping to put together a project that will be like a mini-Heroes of Armageddon. The proceeds of which will go to St. Jude's Children's Hospital, a place that is definitely worthy of having charitable donations given to. They help hundreds of children every year with their medical needs, and do research on a number of diseases which afflict many children. I'll be getting more details on the projected posted in coming weeks, as I work out more of the details and get the groundwork going for it.

The blog is going to get a redesign in the coming weeks. I'm just finding that the current design is hard to deal with. I'm enlisting a bit of help, and will be getting this beast under control. Part of the redesign will be my working on a new logo for the site and business, as well as the overall blog layout.

More postings coming this week. Sorry for the absence, now that things are settling down again I'll be more active about posting.