Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Blood Angels WIP update

Things are going well on the Blood Angels. I took a day off from painting yesterday, but came back with a vengeance today. Today I redid all the purity seal ribbons, as well as doing a version of non-metallic gold for all the wings on symbols. Also all the skulls have been redone with a leather through white layering. Later tonight I'll get back to touch-up work as well as doing work on weapons.

Today's pics:

The various packs are roughly 95% finished at this point.

This sword's scroll work is being done in a similar fashion to the purity seal ribbons and other 'banners' on the miniatures.

The non-metallic gold is easily seen in this and other pics. It worked out quite well.

At this point I'm 95% done with all the packs, roughly 80-85% finished with the marines, and about 50% finished with the weaponry.While working on these marines I realized that I have a certain style I use, with rough highlighting and using the tip and edge of brushes a LOT. I may just have to do a post about painting styles at some point. But here we are, another 5 hours work on them bringing me to a total of 28 hours. I believe that at this point I have roughly 2-4 hours until I am finished with them.

Comments, critiques, suggestions, questions, feel free to leave a comment!

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